While working on the community examples, I’ve found several which are either not to be redistributed or only to be redistributed as is. I’ve decided to list them here as “Personal Exercises”.


Slouching Towards Bedlam

Slouching Towards Bedlam, by Star Foster and Daniel Ravipinto (2003).

Hosted by Peccable Productions. This is published as an Inform 7 website. A single required extension is provided but the version is the one required to support Release 1 which was developed using I7 build 6G60.

It’s quite straightforward to update the extension. Once this is done, the release 2 source text can be compiled using I7 build 6L02. It’s also quite straightforward to update the source text to I7 build 6M62.


Hadean Lands

Hadean Lands, by Andrew Plotkin (2014).

Hosted on it’s own website. This is published in the form of web pages and is therefore not directly compilable.

The source text can be reconstituted from the web pages. Once this is done, it can be compiled using I7 build 6G60 augmented with I6 version 6.34.