Glass — 12 of 25

Emily Short

Release 3

Chapter 3 - The World

[Because most of what goes on here is conversation rather than interaction with objects, our setting is quite simple and most of it consists of the characters:]

Stage is a room.

The old lady is a woman in the Stage. Understand "mother" or "stepmother" as the old lady. The old lady is active. The description of the lady is "She looks plucked: thin neck with folds of skin exposed, nose beaky, lips white. Perhaps when her fortunes are mended her cosmetics too will improve."

The Prince is a man in the Stage. The description of the prince is "He's tolerably attractive, in his flightless way. It's hard not to pity him a little." The prince carries a glass slipper. The glass slipper is wearable. Understand "shoe" or "heel" or "toe" or "foot" as the slipper. The description of the slipper is "It is very small for an adult woman's foot."

Lucy and Theodora are women in the Stage. The printed name of Lucy is "Lucinda". Understand "Lucinda" as Lucy. Understand "Theo" as Theodora.[1] The description of Theodora is "Soft, round, in every sense yielding: she eats too many candied almonds herself, but never grudges sharing them. No character worth mentioning." The description of Lucy is "More compact than Theodora, and with more self-control."

The sofa is scenery in the stage. It is an enterable supporter. The description is "They never let you stand on it." Some pillows are on the sofa. Understand "pillow" as the pillows. The description of the pillows is "Not as pretty as you." The pillows are scenery.

The wing chair is scenery in the stage. It is an enterable supporter. The description is "Pitiful wings, really." Understand "wingchair" or "seat" as the chair.

Instead of doing anything other than examining when the noun is a thing and the noun is scenery: say "That would not help matters, even if you could reach."

The perch is in the stage. It is scenery. The description is "It's adequately comfortable for your purposes."

Instead of doing something other than examining to the slipper: say "It's not yours."

Before wearing the slipper: say "There is no part of your body on which that slipper would fit." instead.


[1]. The complication here is that we have both a person object and a subject object for each of these, and we want to avoid overlapping names.