Damnatio Memoriae — 12 of 34

Emily Short

Release 7

Chapter 2 - Destruction in General

To destroy (item - a person):

if the item is the player:

say "That turns out to have been a humungous mistake.";

end the story saying "You have died";

clear connections to the item;

let context be the holder of the item;

move corpse to context;

obliterate the item.

To destroy (item - a thing):

clear connections to the item;

let context be the holder of the item;

if the item is visible and something underlies the item:

say "[line break]Left behind [is-are list of things which underlie the item].";

now every thing which underlies the item is in the context;

obliterate the item.

To destroy (item - a container):

clear connections to the item;

let context be the holder of the item;

if the item is visible and the item contains a liquid (called substance):

remove the substance from play;

say "[line break][The substance] [spilling description of the substance].[paragraph break]";

if the item is visible and something is in the item:

say "[line break]Left behind [is-are list of things in the item].";

if the item is visible and something underlies the item:

say "[line break]Also, formerly underneath [is-are list of things which underlie the item].";

now every thing which underlies the item is in the context;

now every thing in the item is in the context;

obliterate the item.

A thing can be whole or ruined. A thing is always whole.

To obliterate (item - a pictorial thing):

now the item is ruined;

now the item does not incriminate the player.

To obliterate (item - a thing):

now the item is ruined;

remove the item from play.